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Hi, I'm Cedric and welcome to my commison sheet!This site will cover the specifics and pricing of my commisions.If any question or clarifications is needed, you are welcome to inquire with on Twitter DMs(@cedricvigil) or IG(cdrcfrnz).

Services & Prices

All prices are in USD$. All transaction are done through Paypal.

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Simple backgrounds are included in the pricing. Request for more complex backgrounds may be made, but will increase the price. Multiple characters and other specific requests also increase the price. Please DM or email me for more information.

 - As seen from the examples, I have many different styles of drawing. Please do tell me if you have a preference for a specific style.
- Half the price is asked as a deposit from the get-go as soon as I confirm your order. Once I provide the final versions of the product, I ask for the other half of the
payment before providing the high-res illustration. This is to guarantee that we’re both committed to the deal.
-The prices are a general indication of what to expect. Depending on the complexity of the task at hand, I might ask for more. This should be expected on
characters with intricate and complicated designs.
- I am not likely to draw NSFW, however you may still inquire and I’ll see what I can do.
- Specificity is KEY when it comes to any commission, and I will ask for thorough details right away to avoid any problems later on. A vague request begets a vague
product, which you might not be satisfied with.
-There is generally no time frame for the work. Rather than rushing and committing to early errors, I like to take my time on my works and make sure we both like it
Hasty orders will be charged extra and might even be refused.
- For even finer print, refer to the details in my Terms & Conditions in the Paypal invoice I send you on the first deposit.

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